How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count The Ways
Today is Valentine's Day! This is an exciting day for reflecting and setting intentions around what else? Love. Not only because we want it, but as the song goes, it's what the world needs now. I am a firm believer that loving acts of kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others reverberate throughout the cosmos and disrupt lower frequencies where hate and harm hang out.
I awoke early this morning. The nighttime was barely a memory when I lit tea lights in red glass heart shaped holders and burned a rose scented incense. I then climbed back into still warm covers and popped in some earbuds. A quick Youtube search for "love meditation" returned about 12,900,000 results. I selected this one.I was drawn to the title and it wasn't so long that I would fall back asleep. The ritual for 2019 had begun. I started this self-love celebration two years ago. I decided to share some past year highlights and inspo for creating a loving ritual of your own. Do you!
Early in my herbal journey, roses placed themselves front and center. They began to speak to me and let me know how they wanted to be deployed to work their magic. They have since inspired whipped shea butters, tea blends, bath treats, desserts, meditation elixirs, and infused oils.
When I began to study crystals, rose quartz quickly became a favorite as well and I began to accumulate chunks of the icy pink mineral in all sizes. I think it was making its presence known because I needed it so badly. Rose quartz is frequently associated with nurturing, creating a peaceful and gentle home, brings trustworthy love into your life, increases the love in all relationships, and is good for repairing damaged relationships and relieving the hurt of unkindness or betrayal. I have meditated with it and even fallen asleep holding on to rose quartz.
Rocking a big chunk of rose quartz to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
I have been on a very long healing journey over the past few years and have discovered that the use of ritual really gives me a sense of safety and peace. I feel like it also is a statement of value and reverence.
Two years ago I began my personal Valentine day of intentional devotion and I created a rose-infused ritual to celebrate.
In keeping with that tradition this year, here are some ideas you might enjoy for a similar self-love celebration. Even if you have a life-partner, boo, significant, cuddle-buddy, or a fwb, one should always make time to love on themselves!
I stepped into the mood of being my own Valentine with lovely rose scented incense, candles, and essential oils. If rose is not one of your favorite fragrances, enjoy some of the other dreamy fragrances that encourage sensuous feelings such as sandalwood, ylang ylang, and jasmine. Or, select fragrances resonate with your heart chakra and evoke pleasant memories such as vanilla, vetiver, patchouli, or amber.
The next thing on the list was to pamper my face with a gentle facial. This is an easy DIY with rose petals and oat meal. Whirl them in the blender until they are a nice light powdery texture. Use as a scrub or a mask by mixing with rose water. Let sit for 20 minutes or however long you want! Rinse and GLOW!
I used a natural toner spray that I picked up last September at the Great Lakes Herb Faire from Reclaiming Out Roots that was infused with elderflower and rose. I then moisturized with a facial oil I made myself of elderflower, rose hip seed oil and gotu kola.
Part of this day of total self care was devoted to reading, journaling and enrichment. I decided to study themes of self-care and how to use love as a frame of reference in daily life. There are so many resources to choose from I will have to gather up a list and do a separate post on them, but search for podcasts, you tube videos, audio books, RL books, and spiritual care resources on the self-love, self-care topic. You may want to do this ahead of time so you don’t feel inundated with choices. This is supposed to be pampering and relaxing, not stressful!
I am an unapologetic foodist and feel that no celebration of any sort is complete without giving care and thought to what is being served. This may be a day of shameless indulgences or you may feel its more appropriate to streamline your intake with a partial or full day fast. I listen to my heart and body to decide. Sometimes I create a personal charcuterie and cheese board with smoked salamis, prosciutto, creamy havarti and tangy gouda. Oh and smoked oysters! I love those! Maybe its a decadent fruit tray with strawberries, mango, grapes and sweet melon slices? Maybe its a thick and juicy steak? Or a rich organic chocolate, maca, and cashew smoothie? What is your delight? I think that is the key word here. Whatever you choose to nourish your body and soul should be delightful.
One of my treats was a delicious brew of Lady Grey (the citrusy wife of the Earl), rose petals, tulsi, and lavender. I felt like a queen sipping on this tea!
Instead of chocolates, I opted for some natural truffles full of yummy things that are also very good for you!
Lemon Blueberry Lavender, Matcha, Chocolate Raspberry Hazlenut, Chocolate Peanut Butter Maca Truffles!
Last year we made these as part of a Valentine workshop, here is a link to the video if you want to see how we made these DELIGHTFUL treats! (They are good at all times of the year too!)
Well there you have it! Needless to say, I felt AMAZING by the end of the day! I would love to hear about your Valentine ritual or celebration so feel free to share in the comments. Hope you have a wonder-full day surrounded by peace, joy, blessings, and LOVE!
I love this woman right here! #SelfLove #SelfCare #BYOV #BYOValentine